Resources and FAQs


Emergency Hospitals

New England Veterinary Center and Cancer Care
Windsor, CT (860) 688-8400

Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospitals:
Locations in both South Deerfield, MA, and West Springfield, MA (413) 665-4911

Pieper Veterinary Emergency and Specialty
Middletown, CT (860) 347-8387

Foster Hospital for Small Animals (Tufts)
Grafton, MA (508) 839-5395

Ophthalmology Referrals

Animal Eye Care of New England

Whately, MA  (413) 397-3540

Tufts, Foster Small Animal Hospital
Grafton, MA  (508) 839-5395

Surgery Referrals

New England Veterinary Center and Cancer Care
Windsor, CT (860) 688-8400

Pieper Memorial
Middletown, CT (860) 347-8387

Veterinary Surgery Center
Sturbridge, MA (774) 241-3111

Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital
Deerfield, MA (413) 665-4911

Neurology Referrals

Pieper Memorial

Middletown, CT (860) 347-8387

Tufts, Foster Small Animal Hospital
Grafton, MA (508) 839-5395​

Internal Medicine

New England Veterinary Center and Cancer Care

Windsor, CT (860) 688-8400

Pieper Memorial
Middletown, CT (860) 347-8387

Veterinary Surgery Center
Sturbridge, Ma (774) 241-3111


Casagrande Cardiology, PLLC

Mobile cardiologist (781) 539-3309

Mass Vet Cardiology Services
Agawam, MA  (413) 734-1292

Tufts, Foster Small Animal Hospital
Grafton, Ma (508) 839-5395


Veterinary Behavior Consultations
Bethel, CT (845) 473-7406

In-Home Euthanasia

Paws Finding Peace

Providing At-Home Euthanasia in Western Massachusetts & Enfield and surrounding towns in Connecticut.

Frequently Asked Questions

Location & Contact

410 Main Street
Easthampton, MA 01027

Office hours

Monday – Friday: 9 am – 6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

All patients are seen by appointment only.


While we will do our best to see you in case of an emergency, this isn’t always possible. Please call ahead to make sure we have a doctor available to see you.


If we are closed and unable to see you in case of an emergency, please refer to one of the following :

New England Veterinary Center and Cancer Care
Windsor, CT  (860) 688-8400

Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospitals
Locations in South Deerfield and West Springfield,  MA (413) 665-4911

Pieper Veterinary Emergency and Specialty
Middletown, CT (860) 347-8387

Foster Hospital for Small Animals (Tufts)                                             
Grafton, MA (508) 839-5395


Patients are seen by appointment Monday through Saturday.  

“Fit in” appointments are visits that may be offered at an additional charge once we exceed our actual appointment slots. These are not actual appointments. You will be seen in between scheduled appointments. Wait times are not guaranteed.

While we do our best to see all sick patients, we are a small practice and only have so many appointments. If we are unable to see you but are concerned enough that your pet cannot wait until our next scheduled appointment, we may ask that you go to a 24 hour emergency hospital.

Wait times: We will do our best to limit wait times to 15 minutes. However, if we encounter unexpected emergencies, wait times may be longer. We thank you in advance for your patience during these times.

Late: Please call the office if you think you will be late. If you will be greater than 10 minutes late, you may be asked to reschedule or to be seen as a fit-in so that our other patients can also be seen in a timely manner.

Reminder calls

As a courtesy, we aim to give reminder calls 24 hours before your scheduled appointment.  If you are surgery schedule, you should receive a phone call 24-48 hours before your appointment with detailed instructions.

Missed or cancelled appointments

If you need to cancel an appointment, we request that you provide at least 24 hours’ notification so that we may offer that appointment slot to a sick pet who may need it. If you fail to provide 24 hours’ notice, you will be required to pre-pay for their next appt. This is non-refundable unless the appointment is canceled or rescheduled at least 24 hours prior.  Patients who miss two or more appointments during 12 months, may be denied service.  Multi-pet visits require a 48-hour notice.  If a multi-pet visit is not canceled in a timely manner, we reserve the right to no longer allow multiple pet visits in addition to pre-payment.


Prescription refills

Prescription refills require a 48-hour notice Monday through Thursday and a 72-hour notice Friday through Sunday. We are happy to provide a written prescription at your request. As a courtesy, we allow online pharmacy requests but have had issues with prescriptions being counterfeit or not filled in a timely manner. We reserve the right to have you pick up a written prescription if you choose not to fill your medication through us or a local pharmacy.

Outside Pharmacy Policy

EAH supports your choice of pharmacy whether you fill your prescriptions at our hospital, our online pharmacy which is supported by the largest US veterinary drug distributor, other online outlets, or your local brick-and-mortar pharmacy.

At this time, we are experiencing a lot of outside pharmacy errors and we are fielding a large number of phone calls associated with just one single prescription. To prevent errors and to avoid overburdening our front desk and technical staff we will fax one non-controlled script to the pharmacy of your choice. If the pharmacy is unable to fill that medication due to their error or reported non-receipt of the confirmed faxed prescription, we will then ask you to pick up a hard copy of your written script for you to give to your pharmacy.

We hope by streamlining our pharmacy policy we will ensure you will receive your pet’s medication in a timely, efficient, and accurate manner.

Updating Your Contact Information

We may ask you to update your contact information each time you come in by reviewing your intake form. If your contact information changes, please let us know right away so that we may contact you with any test results. We will only communicate with pet owners listed on the pet’s medical record unless it is indicated on the intake form.

Medical Records

We will email medical records to another facility at no charge per your request as marked off on your intake form.

Social Media

Our social media pages are meant to be informative, fun and entertain. We encourage you to engage with posts but to avoid confrontation with others whom you may disagree. Please do not ask specific medical questions about your pet on social media pages. We recommend calling the office to address such matters.

Mutual respect

We believe that working together is an integral part of your pet’s health. We encourage you to take an active role in your pet’s health and ask any questions that you may have. We require mutual respect and kindness with each other in every interaction. We have no tolerance for abuse, verbal or physical. In the event that you are unhappy with any aspect of your visit, we want to know want to know about it so that we address your concerns.


We reserve the right to terminate the client-patient relationship with any client who is verbally or physically abusive with staff or doctor, who leaves untrue bad reviews/remarks on social media, or who repeatedly fails to follow medical recommendations.

Aggressive and Fearful Animals

We will make our best effort to safely handle aggressive and fearful animals. For everyone’s safety, your pet may require a muzzle. If you think or know that your pet requires a muzzle, we request that you train your dog to a muzzle so that that is not a stressful part of the visit. Feel free to ask the technicians how to train your dog to a muzzle. In order to allow for low stress handling, we may ask that you follow a medication protocol called the CHILL protocol on your pet or we may use an injectable sedative. In the event that you do not want to comply with our safety measures, we may ask that you seek care elsewhere that better suits your needs.

Financial Policies

Payment is due at the time of service.  We accept cash, Care Credit, and all major debit/credit cards. We regret that we will no longer be accepting checks.  If you have any financial concerns, please do not hesitate to mention them when you come in. We are happy to provide you with a detailed estimate for any services before they are rendered.  We are also happy to work with you to provide the best care available within your means.

Did you know we have
special boxes
for cats?

It’s well-known that cats love sitting in boxes, so we have them in our cat-specific exam rooms! There are several reasons why cats seem to be particularly drawn to boxes:
  1. Security and Comfort: Cats instinctively seek out small, enclosed spaces because they provide a sense of security. In the wild, hiding in small spaces helps them avoid predators. A box mimics this feeling of safety and comfort.
  2. Curiosity: Cats are naturally curious creatures. The enclosed space of a box piques their interest, and they’ll often investigate to see what’s inside or to explore a new, mysterious spot.
  3. Territorial Behavior: Cats are territorial animals, and by claiming a box as their own, they establish a space that is “theirs.” It gives them a sense of ownership over the area.
  4. Warmth: Cats love warmth, and a box provides a cozy little nook where they can curl up and conserve body heat.
Whether it’s a small cardboard box, a delivery box, or a specially designed cat house, cats seem to find joy in sitting in and exploring these little spaces!
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